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Hi! I'm Arianne. I'm a technical writer by day, painter/baker/short-story writer by night. Oh, and I love cats.
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Sunday, September 11, 2011


Today I went to my old ward so that I could play games with one of my favorite people in the world, J-----, and one of our guys friends from last year. The playing games part was fun. Going to my old ward was... surreal. There were a lot of people there that I knew, but I wasn't in their ward anymore. I didn't feel as connected. Add that to the fact that the ward has like 70 new people, and I felt completely out of place. It was like I was just there to observe, a fly on the wall looking into this new edition of the 22nd ward.

I went home and shook it off, and then my friends and I decided to walk to the Marriot Center for the CES fireside. We were walking through campus, when all of a sudden this guy walks out of the pathway next to us, AND I KNOW HIM. It's the little brother of my friend that I've known since kindergarten! I KNOW HIM!

And before I can stop myself, I yell, "D----- -----!" He whips around, looks at me, looks super confused, and then says, "...Yes?" (that awkward moment when you recognize someone and they don't recognize you back)
And then I say, "I'm Arianne Glick!"
Luckily, that jogged his memory, because how awkward would that have been if it hadn't? And really, it was impressive that he even remembered my name, considering we hadn't even talked since he was like 5. And then I was really super awkward. The whole time. What do you even say in that situation? "How's life been since you were five?" I had kept in touch with my friend, his brother, but all I really could remember about D----- was that he had said his favorite him was Jesus, not realizing we were talking about hymns.

So yeah. It was awkward, and my friends were staring which was awkward. AWKWARD. And I quickly skidaddled (skaddadled? skadaddled? skiddaddled? HOW THE HECK DO YOU SPELL THAT??) out of there.

Finally, we get to the Marriot Center and find some seats. The two seats next to me are being saved by another group. I don't really think about it at all until the girls that the seats are being saved for. They're doing the awkward shuffle-past down to there seats, and I look at one of the girls as she passes, AND I KNOW HER. It's my roommate from freshman year! The one that my friend from kindergarten dubbed Harpoon H----- because of her love of pirates! And I yell, "H-----!" And luckily, she recognizes me and stuff. And we play a little catch up, and it's fine and cool and really good to talk to her.

But this whole day I've felt like my past is just colliding with my present. Everything is normal and then BAM! it's someone I haven't talked to in FOREVER and all these memories and feelings of de ja vu are smothering me and I feel like the next thing I know, I'll be 7 years old all of a sudden and reliving everything.

So, yeah. Today was weird. And now I'm hiding in my room, because if I run into my old choir teacher next or something I might implode.

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